University Freshers Week Guide : Things You Should Know

After months of hard work, stress and even uncertainty, you have finally made it to your dream or insurance university. You will soon be shutting your suitcases and arriving at your respective university campuses. It will be more of a whirlwind of events and that’s usually how it goes! The big question is what is next after arrival? Well, It’s the University Freshers Week of course! It is so much more than just meeting new people, getting done with administrative tasks and attending social events. There are some inevitable things you will end up doing during the first week. But we still thought we’d give you a fair warning!

You’ll surely be in a hurry to see off your family as soon as you get to university. You can’t help it, because all that hustle-bustle is going to be extremely exciting. After saying your goodbyes, don’t dive in head first into all the fun stuff. We recommend getting these few absolutely necessary things out of the way!

  • Get registered for your course at the university and get your international student card/ university card. It’s going to be your ticket into university buildings and well, even fabulous student discounts UK on just about everything!
  • The NHS registration is something you don’t want to miss out on. We hope you don’t find yourself in a situation If there are any mishaps, God forbid, this student health insurance will have you well covered.
  • Open up your student bank account, UK if you haven’t already. Don’t keep so much cash on hand; it’s going vanish right in front of your eyes and it won’t be long before you’re dishing for those jingling pennies in your pockets!

You are bound to get caught up in the process of making friends and also in the urgency of exploring all that you can in a single day. But, hold your horses; you have a whole week to do so! And trust us, you need to get a few things in order then, you’re good to go.

  • Your university email address is where you will be receiving all kinds of communications from your department. Make sure you keep a tab; you really don’t want to end up missing out on the first few meetings with your professors. First impressions last a lifetime, so make a good one!
  • Attend the orientation and welcome talks so that you are not lost about where and when your lectures will take place. Avoid last minute running around to locate the lecture hall, only to find out it’s not even the right building!
  • It’s going to seem next to impossible and in all probability won’t happen at all; but we will still recommend, getting acquainted with your academic syllabus during the university freshers week!

It’s going to be a festive environment throughout so there will be more than ample social events to attend and a huge number of student societies, clubs and organizations to explore. No doubt you are going to have phenomenal energy, but take our advice and try not to make these common mistakes!

  • There will pressure from just about every student organization to join various clubs and societies. You will inevitably sign up for a ridiculous number and we guarantee that you will end up showing up for just one or two at the most! It is better to not sign up, than not showing up.
  • As much as we discourage signing up for every student group, we highly encourage taking every free flyer. Most of them have brilliant deals and discounts on club entries, drinks and food! We don’t think you’d like to say no to free food; now would you?
  • You may feel that you have found your friendly uni squad or your bestie right on day one! This seldom happens, so don’t abstain from reaching out and socializing with new people from the diverse student community.

We kid you not, there is something called the freshers’ flu! We totally believe in the phrase ‘go in hard or go home’, but don’t get us wrong when we say getting enough sleep would be a great idea!

  • You are definitely going to try and attend every single party or event you hear about. You will probably drink at every conceivable situation and end up eating a whole lot of free candy which will eventually lead to a poor diet. Needless to say, you don’t want to go overboard.
  • There will be heaps of dirty laundry piling up on your room floor and somewhat a similar scene with the sink in the kitchen. Every day is going to be a busy one so don’t procrastinate cleaning up and staying tidy.
  • As the university freshers week starts coming to an end, you will start missing your family, quite terribly indeed. We do recommend conserving energy, going to selected events and sticking to a good diet to avoid succumbing to the freshers’ flu.

Lastly, expect to have one hell of a tight schedule when it comes to your academics. You may find yourself at a loss of time when it comes to getting to know your neighbourhood and the city. During the university freshers week you will find various student groups leading tours in the campus; just tag along and actually get an idea of where to find the library for example. You will be spending much of your student years there!

Once you’re done with the university, step out to tour the city. Do all the touristy things like taking selfies with local attractions in the backdrop, scan the museums and galleries or even shop till you drop. Getting down to the real stuff; trust us you want to know where the best of restaurants, bars, pubs and nightclubs are nestled away!

We wish you an epic University Freshers Week!


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