New Year's Resolutions 2020 for Students

New Year calls for New Resolutions and student life is all around that. 2020 IS YOUR YEAR and we bet you’ve said this to yourself a million times by now. Well, to make this possible we’ve got you the perfect set of realistic resolutions to kick start your year on a positive note. If you can’t do it, it shouldn’t be on the list. It’s as simple as that! So, fret not friends because, with our list of ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ perfectly curated for students, you are going to make the most of 2020. 

1. Declutter your Closet 

Let’s face it. A messed up closet equals a messed up student life. So, get up and  Marie Kondo your closet right now. Toss everything that doesn’t spark joy out of the window. This is the easiest new year resolution for students. Expecting college students to have a tidy closet is like building castles in the air because who got time for that. Revolving around the vicious circle of early morning lectures, day time studying, and nighttime party scenes, one simply can’t manage to buy time just to clean up the mess your closet is. But, it is equally necessary to get rid of the old energy to make room for something new and better. Moreover, you can even make money by selling off goods from your mess as one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Simply sell off some old stuff to make some extra money or even better, organize a clothing swap party at your student room where people exchange clothes and accessories.

2. Reconnect 

If we can just sit back and count the number of people from school days who drifted away, we bet you will easily have a good number on your fingertips. So, 2020 calls for reviving bonds that you never wanted to break but because life went in different ways, you had to let them go. Add to your New Year goals your commitment to ‘reconnect with at least one long lost friend’. Not someone you ended things with on a bad note but someone you lost touch with just like that including your school friends and teachers. You will be amazed to find out how a simple ‘Hi’ will spark a conversation with them like the old times. Do it, because YOLO!

3. Do a Good Deed, Simply Compliment 

An act of kindness to start the year. Nothing could be better! Our New Year’s resolutions list for students won’t be justified if we do not mention a good deed. This is something that anyone can do. Simply compliment anyone you come across, even just a passer-by on the road. You don’t have to be dishonest. Just compliment them on whatever you feel, best radiates them. This is applicable to anyone you pass by be it someone known or complete stranger. Jokes aside, a simple compliment can lighten up someone’s day and what goes around comes around. So, be kind and rewind!

4. Re-Decor 

Just like you prepare to bring the new action on every new year, your home requires the same. Majority of students live away from their families in student accommodation and off-campus housing, dorms, and whatnots. But be it your home or rental we care and love our spaces all the same. New Year is the best time to brighten and revive the place. Your student room makes up the best party place to crash on New Year’s eve or any other occasion. There are endless party ideas to go about this year. With great lights, props and beautiful wall hangings your place will just pop out. Hence, number 6 on our  New Year’s resolutions list for students is New Year’s Room Decor.

5. Dress it out 

Now you must be wondering why something as mundane as dressing up is on our New year’s resolutions list. Like students don’t get to dress up or what? Well, before you keep going about it, let us state it clear and square. This New Year  you pick a day and dress up in something that you always wanted to but you never did. This is challenging but certainly something to do in 2020. Let this be your New Year’s Resolution and moreover, if people question, you anyway have an excuse to justify. So do it with ‘Pride’.

6. Health and Fitness New Year’s Resolutions for Students 

Working out does not need to be boring. Simply have your friend to workout with you and have a diet routine planned together. This way you will be active and obviously have more fun. Moreover, find an exercise that both can enjoy. At times when you would feel like giving up, your friend will motivate you to strive for this cumulative new year goal. Also, a new year’s new diet resolution will be an added perk. Eat clean and healthy while working out and get fit together.

7. Getting 1% Better Each Day 

Set your new year goal to 1% growth each day. A little progress each day adds up to big results. Remind yourself always; to climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first. The percentage doesn’t matter, all that matters is your growth from yesterday. Moreover, this is more practical and achievable.

8. Replying to texts and calls 

Replying to text messages and returning phone calls! Call it the funniest New Year’s Resolution but this one is something this generation should practice. Be polite and generous and start with trying to revert to every message in your inbox. A good deed goes a long way. Exceptions are always there, so for messages from people you don’t like, ‘K’ as a response should be sufficient and equally savage. But don’t forget to FaceTime or text your parents every so often. Living away from family gets tough, we get it. This makes it all the more important to pick up the phone and call the people who love you the most!

9. Solo Trip 

Plan a solo trip. This new year, the new you will step out of your comfort zone and travel alone, be it within the city or outside. Run around explore, take yourself out and do what you love. Moreover, contemplate but don’t stress. Try to find positivity around, have fun, and smile at everything you can. Once you are back, you will definitely feel peace and happiness.

10. Things to let go 

Now that you have Marie Kondo-ed your closet, it’s time to Marie Kondo your life. Before entering 2020 what are those things you would want to leave behind? This is the final one that is going to our New Year’s resolutions list for students. Before you decide to start new you gotta leave behind what is going to restrict your growth and kill your vibe. Say goodbye to unnecessary stress, uncalled drama, negative vibes, anxiety and overthinking. Kick them out of your university life as they don’t get access to your new year. 2020, is your year! Make it happen.

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