Student Accommodation Style New Year.

Decided not to go home for the holidays, well then let us help you in making the New Year celebrations just as epic for you so that you feel a little less home sick and more happy as you welcome 2019.

Your student rooms can turn into the most epic party place in town for 31st night. Call everyone who shall be staying back for these university holidays, and have them help you in setting up the best party in town so that all your other friends want to be back with you.

Photo Booth


Now with selfies having their own songs and a place in the dictionary (thanks to Kim K) everyone is practically living their lives on social media, which is why the Photo Booth shall become the star attraction of the night. Juts buy black sheets (loads of it) or a golden curtain (get an inexpensive one from Amazon), now set this up in a corner and throw some props (get free printable online) around and your are good to go.

Minute to Win it


Amazing how this show makes for a great student party idea. Get some ideas from that show and set up a whole game line for your hostel friends. We say start with Beer Pong, life is so much more fun with everyone a little tipsy. These games will leave everyone laughing all night long and everyone will have a good time too. Best part is those who do not end up participating will truly enjoy it too.

Card Games

Get free printable Card Games online for New Year, wherein each participant will pick a card and respond to the questions written on that card. This will get the mood going for every student and all those forgotten New Year resolutions will be now out for everyone to know.

Party Favours


Make some inexpensive party favours with tissue, candies and ribbons. Get some free printable labels from the internet and you’re good to go.


Countdown to midnight with unique activities. Just get some paper bags and have them labelled by the hours or minutes however you like it, and then open each at the designated time and the guests take part in the surprise activity until its time to ring in the New Year.

THE UNILODGERS FAMILY WISHES YOU A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR AND A GREAT YEAR AHEAD. is the world’s leading platform to book student accommodation and serves over 1.1 million times to students from over 166 countries every year.

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Picture Courtesy- Pinterest.