Common Freshmen Problems and How to Deal with Them

No doubt about the fact that college is power-packed with fun and exciting new experiences. There’s no right or wrong way to live during the first year of college. It will take a few days to adjust to a brand new routine, obviously. But the fun will never be compromised. Meeting new people, attending lectures and living in a new student apartment will seem overwhelming at first. The best advice for college freshmen would be to take a deep breath once in a while. The list of social issues for college students is endless. All your freshman buddies are in the same boat so don’t be afraid to talk to them about it.  

Keep reading to find some great advice on how to deal with common freshmen problems during the first year of college. 

1. Stress Among College Students

Stress among students can be caused due to a couple of reasons. It is important to look into it as early as possible. Anxiety in college students is also prevalent. How to deal with homesickness in college?’ is the most common question asked by first-year students. Once you get used to living in a new place and acquaint yourself with the people around you, you will begin to feel at home. Beginning college can be a nightmare for introverts. ‘ Read An Introvert’s Guide to Starting University if you are one.

Imperative advice for college freshmen in this scenario would be fixing your sleeping and eating schedule. It is the first step towards beating stress. We bet you’ll wake up feeling fresh and active once you get your eight-hours at night. If that doesn’t help, try talking to people around you. Knowing that everybody is going through similar anxieties will make you feel less lonely. If nothing works, you need some mommy-motivation because you know there’s nothing a mother can’t fix. Give yourself a few days to settle in and before you know it you will begin enjoying every bit of it!

2. Health

Health should be a top priority, no matter where you are living. Other student issues can be dealt with gradually, but taking measures to get your health back on track should never be delayed. If health has gotten off the radar after moving to college, don’t worry too much. There are lots of easy ways to fix it. Almost every first-year student deals with a similar problem. If you don’t know how to cook, there is a possibility that you will be facing the same issue. So maybe it is time to ditch the Dominos student discount and master a few quick homemade recipes! Check out Quick & Easy Recipes for Students to switch to a healthier lifestyle. Next time you are feeling low, try going for a run or do yoga. Small lifestyle changes will benefit you in the long run. Mental health is as important as physical health. Relax and take a break if you need to. There is nothing more important than your peace of mind.

3. Roommate issues

Most students experience roommate issues in college at one point or another. But the good news is that you don’t need to keep up with their undisciplined lifestyle. Having a conversation with them can fix the communication gap in a jiffy if your roommate isn’t one of the stubborn ones. If not, there are plenty of ways to deal with the issues. Be clear about how living with them is bothering you. We break it down with some simple ways to deal with a messy roommate in Tips to Deal With a Messy Roommate. All the lucky ones who haven’t dealt with roommate problems in college yet, make sure to set up some ground rules on day one itself. Having a good relationship with your roommate can make your life way easier because they will be like family for quite a while now.

4. Exploring Student Apartments

Moving out from the comfort of your home to an unknown city or country is in itself an enormous change. Browsing through student apartments is one of the toughest processes. More and more students have started to opt for off-campus housing instead of living on campus. Living on campus may sometimes lack discipline. Why don’t you try living off-campus to experience a real sense of independence? Booking your next student apartment with Unilodgers from the comfort of your home.  All rooms come with a plethora of amenities and the bills like water and electricity are inclusive of your rent. The properties are located at a short distance from universities. Sounds too good to be true? Check out to see for yourself!

Student accommodation

5. Financial Problems

Financial stress among college students is one of the issues that they face not only during the first year but throughout college. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that sorted finances will let you have a sorted life. So, it is best to begin budgeting your expenses from the very beginning. Eating out every day takes a toll on the expenditure. Buying groceries and cooking food at your student apartment will not only save you some bucks but is also a step towards a healthier lifestyle. Don’t hesitate to back out on fancy dinners if your budget doesn’t allow. If fear the FOMO, invite some friends over for a potluck dinner. It is equally fun and you also get to try your hand at hosting a party while saving money. To find out cool party ideas, check out Hosting The Perfect Night-in At Your Student Accommodation!

6. Academic Stress

Academic stress on students is not very common these days. The academic system in college is entirely different than the one in high school. And getting straight A’s in college isn’t as easy as high school either. It usually takes a few weeks for students to choose the right classes. A sure-shot way to keep your academics on track is to attend lectures, even the morning ones! It might feel like a ‘better said than done’ situation, but it can help you in the long run for sure. Make notes in every lecture. It will be your own treasure bank for writing tests.  And on top of that, showing up to classes will acquaint you with your professors too! Academic stress in college students is becoming a bigger problem nowadays. This leads to depression in college students. The issue needs to be addressed on a global level. Speak to your guidance counselor as they are trained to help you with all your needs.


7. Time Management for College Students

Students these days have so much on their plates that they need to get multiple things done in a short period of time. Wouldn’t be wrong to say that students are multitasking geniuses. But, we all have 24 hours only. So, time management for college students is a skill that they need to master. First things first, keep in mind that you should not compromise your sleep. Listing down all the things you have lined up every week will make it a smooth sail. The easiest time management strategy for students is to make a weekly task calendar and add things to it every Sunday. Productivity can make you feel super happy and light. 

8. Dorm Life Problems

Life at dorm seems fun and games before moving in and to some extent, it actually is. Make a college dorm checklist to ensure that you have everything before you need during your stay there.  But make sure you consider some realistic factors before choosing to move into a dormitory. Common dormitory problems include lack of privacy, loud people all around, waiting in line to use the loo, unhygienic lifestyle because let’s face it, not everybody is a clean freak here. 

If you are not much of a social butterfly and sharing your personal space gives you the heebie-jeebies, consider moving into a private student accommodation instead. You’ll enjoy more privacy and independence that way and NO DEADLINES!

If you are not a student, you can help out by acknowledging these college student problems as a friend, parent, guardian or simply a well-wisher. After all, a little support goes a long way! 

College life offers not only academic lessons but life lessons too. So, even when you think you have no control over things, there are a lot of ways to catch up. Freshman problems are faced by all freshmen. Don’t stress on achieving perfection in everything you do. You can only do so much, right? Focus on enjoying every moment of it. Try new things, meet new people and be open to trying new things. These years go by in a blink of an eye and all you will have will be these memories to cherish forever! 

Unilodgers is the world’s leading platform to book student accommodations and serves over 2 million students from over 195 countries every year. We provide students exclusive offers on student housing options and make it easy to book the accommodation that’s the best fit for you.

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